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Minutes of Long Range Strategic Planning Committee – Monday, October 22, 2007

Call to order at 7:40pm

Attendance:  Peter Marshall, Geoff Dent, Kathy Fetchick, Anna Wiedemann, Gerry Robilotti, Michael Floros, Julia Wasserman

Public Comments:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  Correction as to the number of years that Gerry has been involved with Danbury Hospital from 24 to 35 years.  Motion to accept minutes with the correction made by Geoff, 2nd by Anna, passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:  Nominate chair and vice-chair.  Motion made by Peter Marshall to nominate Kathy Fetchick and Anna Wiedemann as Co-Chairs, 2nd by Julia, passed unanimously.  Talked about a clerk – agreed we would utilize someone from town hall for a couple of months and once a procedure is established, we would rotate clerking at each meeting.  Suggestion made to look at the Fairfield Hills Authority minutes for level of detail.

New Business:  
·       Review committee charge –
1.      Build a process, create a timeline.  
2.      What is Selectman’s expectation regarding a process?
3.      Need a definition of Long Range versus Strategic Planning.  

·       Discuss planning documents from other towns – discussed commonalities  

·       Next steps –
1.      Extract major points and comments on each town’s process.  
2.      Outline what we each think of the major points in their plan – no more than 3 pages to share at next meeting.  
3.      Check plan of Conservation and Development on line.
4.      Personal note of what we think is a long range versus strategic plan means to us

The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 26th at 7pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.  

Respectfully submitted by Kathy Fetchick and Anna Wiedemann